bladder fern

Definition: Meaning of, bladder fern in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈbladə fəːn /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
bladder fern bladder ferns
  1. any fern of the genus Cystopteris characterized by a hooded indusium or bladderlike membrane covering the sori
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bladder fern used in phrases

  • brittle bladder fern (noun)
    1. delicate fern widely distributed in North America and European having thin pinnatifid fronds with brittle stems
  • bulblet bladder fern (noun)
    1. north American fern often bearing bulbils on the leaflets
  • mountain bladder fern (noun)
    1. fern of rocky mountainous areas of hemisphere
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