birth control

Definition: Meaning of, birth control in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / bəːθ kənˈtrəʊl /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. the practice of controlling the number of children you have [=  contraception]
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birth control used in phrases

  • birth control device (noun)
    1. an agent or device intended to prevent conception
  • birth control pill (noun)
    1. a contraceptive in the form of a pill containing oestrogen and progestin to inhibit ovulation and so prevent conception
  • calendar method of birth control (noun)
    1. the fertile period would be assumed to extend from day 10 through day 18 of her cycle natural family planning in which ovulation is assumed to occur 14 days before the onset of a period
  • rhythm method of birth control (noun)
    1. the fertile period would be assumed to extend from day 10 through day 18 of her cycle natural family planning in which ovulation is assumed to occur 14 days before the onset of a period
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