
Definition: Meaning of, bee in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / biː /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
bee bees
  1. a black and yellow flying insect that makes HONEY and can sting you
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  2. have a bee in your bonnet (about something) informal to think something is so important, so necessary etc that you keep mentioning it or thinking about it
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  3. sewing/quilting etc bee American English informal an occasion when people, usually women, meet in order to do a particular type of work
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  4. a busy bee spoken someone who enjoys being busy or active
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  5. be the bee's knees spoken old-fashioned to be very good
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bee used in phrases

  • Africanized bee (noun)
    1. a strain of bees that originated in Brazil in the 1950s as a cross between an aggressive African bee and a honeybee; retains most of the traits of the African bee; now spread as far north as Texas
  • Africanized honey bee (noun)
    1. a strain of bees that originated in Brazil in the 1950s as a cross between an aggressive African bee and a honeybee; retains most of the traits of the African bee; now spread as far north as Texas
  • Carniolan bee (noun)
    1. greyish highly productive European honeybee that has a quiet disposition
  • German bee (noun)
    1. dark-coloured ill-tempered honeybee supposedly of German origin
  • Italian bee (noun)
    1. yellowish honeybee resembling the Carniolan bee in its habits
  • Rocky Mountain bee plant (noun)
    1. plant of western North America having trifoliate leaves and white or pink spider-shaped flowers; sometimes used as an ornamental
  • alkali bee (noun)
    1. a common solitary bee important for pollinating alfalfa in the western United States
  • bee beetle (noun)
    1. european beetle; infests beehives
  • bee eater (noun)
    1. colourful chiefly tropical Old World bird having a strong graceful flight; feeds on especially bees
  • bee fly (noun)
    1. hairy nectar-eating fly that resembles a bee; larvae are parasitic on larvae of bees and related insects
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