
Definition: Meaning of, bedroom in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈbɛdruːm;ˈbɛdrʊm /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
bedroom bedrooms
  1. a room for sleeping in
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  2. bedroom eyes a look in your eyes that shows that you are sexually attracted to someone
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bedroom used in phrases

  • bedroom community (noun)
    1. a place where people live but that does not have many businesses, so that people have to go to another town or city to work [=  dormitory town British English]
  • bedroom furniture (noun)
    1. furniture intended for use in a bedroom
  • bedroom set (noun)
    1. a suite of furniture for the bedroom
  • bedroom suite (noun)
    1. a suite of furniture for the bedroom
  • master bedroom (noun)
    1. the largest bedroom in a house or apartment, often with its own bathroom
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