
Definition: Meaning of, baroness in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈbarənɛs /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
baroness baronesses
  1. a woman who is a member of a low rank of the British NOBILITY
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  2. the wife of a baron
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baroness used in phrases

  • Baroness Dudevant (noun)
    1. 1804-1876 french writer known for works concerning women's rights and independence
  • Baroness Emmusca Orczy (noun)
    1. 1865-1947 born in Hungary british writer
  • Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth (noun)
    1. 1914-1981 english economist and conservationist
  • Baroness Karen Blixen (noun)
    1. 1885-1962 danish writer who lived in Kenya for 19 years and is remembered for her writings about Africa
  • Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven (noun)
    1. born in 1925 british stateswoman; first woman to serve as Prime Minister
  • Blixen, Baroness Karen
    1. (1885-1962) a Danish writer who wrote in English using the man's name Isak Dinesen. Her most famous book, Out of Africa, describes her life on a coffee farm in Kenya.
  • More

word of the day

Pronunciation: təˈrɛstrɪəl tʌɪm
Parts of Speech: noun
astronomy a measure of time defined by Earth's orbital motion; terrestrial time is mean solar time corrected for the irregularities of the Earth's motions