
Definition: Meaning of, attractor in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / əˈtræktə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
attractor attractors
  1. an entertainer who attracts large audiences
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  2. physics a point in the ideal multidimensional phase space that is used to describe a system toward which the system tends to evolve regardless of the starting conditions of the system
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  3. a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts
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attractor used in phrases

  • Great Attractor (noun)
    1. a massive grouping of galaxies in the direction of Centaurus and Hydra whose gravitational attraction is believed to cause deviations in the paths of other galaxies
  • chaotic attractor (noun)
    1. an attractor for which the approach to its final point in phase space is chaotic
  • strange attractor (noun)
    1. an attractor for which the approach to its final point in phase space is chaotic
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