
Definition: Meaning of, assembly in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / əˈsɛmbli /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
assembly assemblies
  1. [countable] a group of people who are elected to make decisions or laws for a particular country, area, or organization
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  2. [countable,uncountable] the meeting together of a group of people for a particular purpose
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  3. [uncountable and countable] a regular meeting of all the teachers and students of a school
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  4. [uncountable] the process of putting the parts of something together
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assembly used in phrases

  • General Assembly (noun)
    1. the supreme deliberative assembly of the United Nations
  • General Assembly, the
    1. the group that represents all of the countries which belong to the UNITED NATIONS . Its members meet regularly to discuss plans and vote on suggestions, with each country having one vote
    2. a group that meets to make laws in some of the states of the US
  • London Assembly, the
    1. a group of 25 people who are elected every four years, and who are responsible for checking the performance of the MAYOR of London
  • Northern Ireland Assembly, the
    1. a political assembly set up as part of the 1998 Good Friday peace agreement. The assembly has 108 members, six from each of the 18 constituencies in Northern Ireland. The assembly has an executive of up to 12 ministers, whose responsibilities include health, education, environment and finance.
  • Welsh Assembly
    1. the parliament for Wales which was established in 1999 and has the power to make laws in Wales. The leader of the parliament is the First Secretary, and its 60 members are called AMs - Assembly Members. They are elected by a system of PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION .
  • assembly hall (noun)
    1. a hall where many people can congregate
  • assembly language (noun)
    1. a computer language used in programs that are written to work with a specific kind of PROCESSOR
  • assembly line (noun)
    1. a system for making things in a factory in which the products move past a line of workers who each make or check one part
  • assembly plant (noun)
    1. a factory where manufactured parts are assembled into a finished product
  • assembly program (noun)
    1. a program to convert assembly language into machine language
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