
Definition: Meaning of, artificial in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɑːtɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l /

  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
[usually before noun]
  1. not real or not made of natural things but made to be like something that is real or natural [=  false]
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  2. an artificial situation or quality exists because someone has made it exist, and not because it is really necessary
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  3. artificial behaviour is not sincere - used to show disapproval
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artificial used in phrases

  • Jarvik artificial heart (noun)
    1. a kind of artificial heart that has been used with some success
  • artificial additive (noun)
    1. an additive to food intended to improve its flavour, appearance or shelf-life
  • artificial blood (noun)
    1. a liquid that can carry large amounts of oxygen and can serve as a temporary substitute for blood
  • artificial flower (noun)
    1. a handmade imitation of a blossom
  • artificial heart (noun)
    1. a pump that replaces the natural heart
  • artificial horizon (noun)
    1. a navigational instrument based on a gyroscope; it artificially provides a simulated horizon for the pilot
  • artificial insemination (noun)
    1. the medical process of making a woman or female animal PREGNANT by using a piece of equipment, rather than by having sex
  • artificial intelligence (noun)
    1. the study of how to make computers do intelligent things that people can do, such as think and make decisions
  • artificial joint (noun)
    1. possibly elbow or wrist but usually hip or knee a metal or plastic part that is surgically implanted to replace a natural joint
  • artificial kidney (noun)
    1. a machine that uses dialysis to remove impurities and waste products from the bloodstream before returning the blood to the patient's body
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