
Definition: Meaning of, anatomy in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / əˈnatəmi /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
anatomy anatomies
  1. [uncountable] the scientific study of the structure of human or animal bodies
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  2. [countable usually singular] the structure of a body, or of a part of a body
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  3. [countable] your body - often used in a humorous way
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  4. the/an anatomy of something a study or examination of an organization, process etc in order to understand and explain how it works
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  5. the/an anatomy of something the structure of an organization, process etc or the way it works
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anatomy used in phrases

  • applied anatomy (noun)
    1. the practical application of anatomical knowledge to diagnosis and treatment
  • clinical anatomy (noun)
    1. the practical application of anatomical knowledge to diagnosis and treatment
  • comparative anatomy (noun)
    1. the study of anatomical features of animals of different species
  • dental anatomy (noun)
    1. the branch of gross anatomy concerning with the morphology of teeth
  • developmental anatomy (noun)
    1. the branch of anatomy that studies structural changes of an individual from fertilization to maturity
  • functional anatomy (noun)
    1. the study of anatomy in its relation to function
  • general anatomy (noun)
    1. the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals
  • gross anatomy (noun)
    1. the study of the structure of the body and its parts without the use of a microscope
  • macroscopic anatomy (noun)
    1. the study of the structure of the body and its parts without the use of a microscope
  • microscopic anatomy (noun)
    1. the study of microscopic structures of tissues and organs
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