
Definition: Meaning of, act in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / akt /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
act acts
  1. action [countable] one thing that you do
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  2. law also Act [countable] a law that has been officially accepted by Parliament or Congress
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  3. pretending [singular] insincere behaviour in which you pretend to have a particular kind of feeling or to be a particular kind of person
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  4. get your act together informal to become more organized and behave in a more effective way, especially in order to achieve something
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  5. play [countable] one of the main parts into which a stage play, OPERA etc is divided
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  6. performance [countable] a short performance on stage or television by someone who plays music or tells jokes
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  7. performer [countable] a performer or a group of performers who perform together
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  8. a hard/tough etc act to follow someone who does such an excellent job that it would be difficult for someone doing the same job after them to be as good
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  9. get in on the act informal to take part in an activity that someone else has started, especially in order to get a share of the advantages for yourself
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  10. act of God an event that is caused by natural forces, such as a storm, flood, or fire, which you cannot prevent or control
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  11. act of worship an occasion when people pray together and show their respect for God
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  12. balancing/juggling act a situation in which you are trying to do several different types of work at the same time
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  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
act acted acted
Present Participle Third Person Singular
acting acts
  1. do something [intransitive] to do something in a particular way or for a particular reason
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  2. behave [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to behave in a particular way
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  3. pretend [intransitive and transitive] to pretend to have feelings, qualities etc that are different from your true ones
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  4. play/film [intransitive and transitive] to perform in a play or film
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  5. have an effect [intransitive] to have an effect or use
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  6. act for somebody/act on somebody's behalf to represent someone, especially in a court of law or by doing business for them
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Definition: Meaning of, ACT in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / eɪsiːˈtiː /

  • synonym
  • antonym
  1. American Conservatory Theater a REPERTORY theatre (= theatre whose actors perform different plays on different days) in San Francisco, which is also a respected school for training actors
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ACT used in phrases

  • Act of Parliament
    1. a law that has been officially accepted by a parliament, especially the British Parliament
  • Act of Union, the
    1. the agreement that joined the parliaments of England and Scotland in 1707
    2. the agreement that ended the Irish parliament in 1800 and made Ireland part of the United Kingdom in 1801
  • Act-Up
    1. an organization in the US and the UK that demands more help and support for people with AIDS
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964, the
    1. a US law which says that businesses must treat people equally whatever their colour or religion, and that they cannot refuse to employ someone because of their colour. This law also says that restaurants and hotels cannot refuse to serve someone because of their colour.
  • Data Protection Act, the
    1. a British law that protects people from other people using the information about them that is stored on computers for wrong purposes, and makes it necessary for people who hold personal information on computers to REGISTER with an authority
  • Employment Act, the
    1. a set of laws made in the UK in 1989 in order to replace old laws which were unfair to women, and to encourage EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES (= the same chances of employment and pay for everyone)
  • Equal Pay Act, the
    1. a law in the UK, passed in 1970, which says that men and women should get equal pay for doing the same work, and should have the same conditions of employment
  • Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (noun)
    1. an act passed by Congress in 1978 to establish procedures for requesting judicial authorization for foreign intelligence surveillance and to create the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court; intended to increase United States counterintelligence; separate from ordinary law enforcement surveillance
  • Freedom of Information Act
    1. a law that makes government information freely available to ordinary citizens and makes it illegal for government departments to keep information secret unless this is really necessary.
  • Health and Safety at Work Act, the
    1. a set of laws made in the UK in 1974 in order to protect people at work and make sure that they do not have to work in dangerous conditions, without the proper clothing or safety equipment etc
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ACT used in phrasal verbs

  • act as (phrasal verb)
    1. act as someone/something to do the job of a particular kind of person or thing
  • act on (phrasal verb)
    1. act on something to do something because you have been given information, advice, or orders
  • act out (phrasal verb)
    1. to show the events that happened in a situation by doing them again or by doing the same things as the people involved
    2. to express your thoughts or feelings through your words or behaviour
  • act up (phrasal verb)
    1. if children act up, they behave badly
    2. if a part of your body or a piece of equipment acts up, it starts to become painful or to develop problems
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