
Definition: Meaning of, x-ray in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɛks reɪ /

  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
Present Participle Third Person Singular
  1. examine by taking x-rays
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  2. photography take an x-ray of something or somebody
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Definition: Meaning of, X-ray in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈɛksreɪ /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
X-ray X-rays
  1. a beam of RADIATION ( 1) that can go through solid objects and is used for photographing the inside of the body
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  2. a photograph of part of someone's body, taken using X-rays to see if anything is wrong
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  3. a medical examination made using X-rays
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X-ray used in phrases

  • X-ray astronomy (noun)
    1. astronomy an observational branch of astronomy, which deals with the study of X-ray emission
  • X-ray crystallography (noun)
    1. a technique in which the patterns formed by the diffraction of X-rays on passing through a crystalline substance yield information on the lattice structure of the crystal, and the molecular structure of the substance
  • X-ray diffraction (noun)
    1. the scattering of X rays by the atoms of a crystal; the diffraction pattern shows structure of the crystal
  • X-ray film (noun)
    1. photographic film used to make X-ray pictures
  • X-ray machine (noun)
    1. an apparatus that provides a source of X rays
  • X-ray photograph (noun)
    1. a radiogram made by exposing photographic film to X rays; used in medical diagnosis
  • X-ray photography (noun)
    1. radiography that uses X-rays to produce a roentgenogram
  • X-ray picture (noun)
    1. a radiogram made by exposing photographic film to X rays; used in medical diagnosis
  • X-ray therapy (noun)
    1. the therapeutic use of X rays
  • X-ray tube (noun)
    1. a vacuum tube containing a metal target onto which a beam of electrons is directed at high energy for the generation of X rays
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