
Definition: Meaning of, Tubman in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. 1820-1913 united States abolitionist born a slave on a plantation in Maryland and became a famous conductor on the Underground Railroad leading other slaves to freedom in the North
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Tubman used in phrases

  • Harriet Tubman (noun)
    1. 1820-1913 united States abolitionist born a slave on a plantation in Maryland and became a famous conductor on the Underground Railroad leading other slaves to freedom in the North
  • Tubman, Harriet
    1. (?1820-1913) a US SLAVE who escaped to the northern US (where SLAVEry was not allowed) and became an important member of the UNDERGROUND RAILROAD, a system for helping SLAVEs who were trying to escape. She also worked for the army of the North in the CIVIL WAR .
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