(1225-74) an Italian THEOLOGIAN (= someone who studies religion and religious beliefs) and PHILOSOPHER whose ideas had an important influence on the Roman Catholic religion
(1118-70) an English priest who became the Archbishop of Canterbury. He had a serious argument with the king, Henry II, and was murdered in Canterbury Cathedral by some of the king's soldiers.
(1489-1556) an English priest who was ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, and who was one of the leaders of the REFORMATION (= the time when many Christians in Europe left the Catholic religion and started the Protestant religion) in England. When the Catholic Mary I became Queen of England, she ordered Cranmer to be killed by being burned.
(1485-1540) an English politician who became King HENRY VIII 's chief adviser, and made laws that gave Henry control of all the churches in England, instead of the Pope. He also organized the DISSOLUTION OF THE MONASTERIES .
(1847-1931) a US inventor who made over 1300 electrical inventions, including the MICROPHONE, the record player, and equipment for the cinema. He is most famous for inventing the LIGHT BULB (=a glass container with a thin wire inside, which produces light by using electricity).