
Definition: Meaning of, Tamil in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈtamɪl /

  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
  1. of or relating to a speaker of the Tamil language or the language itself
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  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
Tamil Tamils
  1. a member of the mixed Dravidian and Caucasian people of southern India and Sri Lanka
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  2. the Dravidian language spoken since prehistoric times by the Tamil in southern India and Sri Lanka
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Tamil used in phrases

  • Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (noun)
    1. a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka that began in 1970 as a student protest over the limited university access for Tamil students; currently seeks to establish an independent Tamil state called Eelam; relies on guerilla strategy including terrorist tactics that target key government and military personnel
  • Tamil Eelam (noun)
    1. the independent state that the Tamil Tigers have fought for
  • Tamil Nadu
    1. a state in southeast India, formerly called Madras State, whose capital and largest city is Chennai, formerly called Madras
  • Tamil Tigers (noun)
    1. a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka that began in 1970 as a student protest over the limited university access for Tamil students; currently seeks to establish an independent Tamil state called Eelam; relies on guerilla strategy including terrorist tactics that target key government and military personnel
  • Tamil Tigers, the
    1. a group of fighters who support a separate state for the Tamil Hindu people of Sri Lanka
  • World Tamil Association (noun)
    1. a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka that began in 1970 as a student protest over the limited university access for Tamil students; currently seeks to establish an independent Tamil state called Eelam; relies on guerilla strategy including terrorist tactics that target key government and military personnel
  • World Tamil Movement (noun)
    1. a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka that began in 1970 as a student protest over the limited university access for Tamil students; currently seeks to establish an independent Tamil state called Eelam; relies on guerilla strategy including terrorist tactics that target key government and military personnel
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