
Definition: Meaning of, Strasberg in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. 1901-1982 born in Austria united States actor and film director who was a leader in developing method acting in the United States
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Strasberg used in phrases

  • Lee Strasberg (noun)
    1. 1901-1982 born in Austria united States actor and film director who was a leader in developing method acting in the United States
  • Strasberg, Lee
    1. (1901-82) a US teacher of acting and theatre DIRECTOR who was the first person in the US to use and develop the ideas about acting, called method acting, that were invented by Constantin STANISLAVSKY . From 1948 to 1982 he was in charge of the ACTOR'S STUDIO in New York City.
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