
Definition: Meaning of, Shaw in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ʃɔː /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. 1847-1919 united States physician and suffragist
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  2. 1818-1885 united States humorist who wrote about rural life
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  3. 1910-2004 united States clarinettist and leader of a swing band
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  4. 1856-1950 born in Ireland british playwright ; founder of the Fabian Society
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Shaw used in phrases

  • Anna Howard Shaw (noun)
    1. 1847-1919 united States physician and suffragist
  • Artie Shaw (noun)
    1. 1910-2004 united States clarinettist and leader of a swing band
  • George Bernard Shaw (noun)
    1. 1856-1950 born in Ireland british playwright ; founder of the Fabian Society
  • Henry Wheeler Shaw (noun)
    1. 1818-1885 united States humorist who wrote about rural life
  • Shaw, George Bernard
    1. (1856-1950) an Irish writer famous especially for his clever plays which criticize society and the moral values of the time. His best known works include the historical plays Caesar and Cleopatra and St Joan, and the COMEDY Pygmalion, which was later turned into the popular musical show MY FAIR LADY . He was a leading SOCIALIST and wrote books about socialism.
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