
Definition: Meaning of, school in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / skuːl /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
school schools
  1. where children learn [uncountable and countable] a place where children are taught
    1. My kids went to the same school as me.
    2. I have applied to all the schools in my neighborhood but didn’t receive any response.
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  2. time at school [uncountable] a day's work at school
    1. A typical school day is crazy as it is, don’t add another event to it.
    2. School is a waste of time for me as I know most of the things already.
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  3. time at school [uncountable] the time during your life when you go to school
    1. During my school days I used to be very studios and responsible
    2. She made that wish when she was being schooled.
  4. university [uncountable and countable] American English a college or university, or the time when you study there
    1. I have had sixteen years of schooling still I don’t feel ready for the real world.
    2. I will write my PHD thesis in school
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  5. university [countable] a department or group of departments that teaches a particular subject at a university
    1. Inside the west wing we have the school of economics and the school of law.
    2. Inside the enclave, we have clustered all the schools according to the nature of subject they teach.
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  6. one subject [countable] a place where a particular subject or skill is taught
    1. I belong to the arts school.
    2. Economics is the school that concerns itself with allocation of resources.
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  7. at school in the school building
    1. I am at school and will be back in an hour.
    2. At school we try to keep the noise level below a certain level
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  8. at school British English attending a school, rather than being at college or university or having a job
    1. He is at school at this age when he should have been in the university.
    2. I have decided to be at school instead of at work.
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  9. in school in the school building
    1. She is in school and will graduate next year.
    2. My child will be in school after two years
  10. in school American English attending a school or university rather than having a job
    1. She is in school while kids her age have started their practice
    2. I am still in school because my father was ill and I skipped a few years.
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  11. art [countable] a number of people who are considered as a group because of their similar style of work
    1. The abstract school is not everybody’ cup of tea.
    2. These are the key schools in art.
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  12. school of thought an opinion or way of thinking about something that is shared by a group of people
    1. One school of thought agrees with democracy as the best way of government while the other feels it is useless.
  13. of/from the old school with old-fashioned values or qualities
    1. “Oh he will never wear this costume, don’t you know he is old school”
    2. My mom is old school and freaks out every time I dress casually
  14. fish [countable] a large group of fish, WHALE s, DOLPHIN s etc that are swimming together
    1. The school of whale always swim so beautifully.
    2. Once down and inside the coral reef I was able to capture the beautiful school of fish.
  • verb
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Prsesent Past Past Participle
school schooled schooled
Present Participle Third Person Singular
schooling schools
  1. old-fashioned to train or teach someone to have a certain skill, type of behaviour, or way of thinking
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  2. to educate a child
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school used in phrases

  • Ashcan School (noun)
    1. a group of United States painters founded in 1907 and noted for their realistic depictions of sordid aspects of city life
  • Ashcan school (noun)
    1. early 20th-century United States painting; portrays realistic and sordid scenes of city life
  • Catholic school (noun)
    1. a parochial school maintained by the Catholic Church
  • Hudson River School, the
    1. a group of US painters between 1820 and 1880, who painted LANDSCAPE s (= paintings of areas of countryside) in a ROMANTIC style
  • Hudson River school (noun)
    1. the first coherent school of American art; active from 1825 to 1870; painted wilderness landscapes of the Hudson River valley and surrounding New England
  • London School of Economics, the
    1. one of the colleges of London University, which is famous for teaching politics and ECONOMICS
  • Sabbath school (noun)
    1. school meeting on Sundays for religious instruction
  • Sunday school (noun)
    1. a place where children are taught about Christianity on Sundays
  • after-school (adjective)
    1. outside regular school hours
  • approved school (noun)
    1. a special school in Britain in the past, where children who had done something illegal were sent if they were under 18
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