Definition: Meaning of, SCID in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɛs-siː-aɪ-diː /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. a congenital disease affecting T cells that can result from a mutation in any one of several different genes; children with it are susceptible to infectious disease; if untreated it is lethal within the first year or two of life
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SCID used in phrases

  • ADA-SCID (noun)
    1. sCID resulting from mutation of a gene that codes for adenosine deaminase
  • X-SCID (noun)
    1. sCID in male children resulting from mutation of a gene that codes for a protein on the surface of T cells that allows them to develop a growth factor receptor
  • X-linked SCID (noun)
    1. sCID in male children resulting from mutation of a gene that codes for a protein on the surface of T cells that allows them to develop a growth factor receptor
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