
Definition: Meaning of, Rex in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / rɛks /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
[British English]
  1. a title used in official writing after the name of a king, when the king's name has been written in Latin
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  2. law a word meaning the state, used in the names of law cases in Britain when a king is ruling [↪  regina]
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Rex used in phrases

  • Balaeniceps rex (noun)
    1. large stork-like bird of the valley of the White Nile with a broad bill suggesting a wooden shoe
  • Begonia rex (noun)
    1. any of numerous usually rhizomatous hybrid begonias derived from an East Indian plant having rough-textured leaves patterned in silver and bronze and purple and red-brown with inconspicuous flowers
  • Oedipus Rex (noun)
    1. Greek mythology a tragic king of Thebes who unknowingly killed his father Laius and married his mother Jocasta; the subject of the drama 'Oedipus Rex' by Sophocles
  • Rex Harrison (noun)
    1. 1908-1990 english actor on stage and in films
  • Sir Rex Harrison (noun)
    1. 1908-1990 english actor on stage and in films
  • Tyrannosaurus rex (noun)
    1. large carnivorous bipedal dinosaur having enormous teeth with knifelike serrations; may have been a scavenger rather than an active predator; later Cretaceous period in North America
  • rex begonia (noun)
    1. any of numerous usually rhizomatous hybrid begonias derived from an East Indian plant having rough-textured leaves patterned in silver and bronze and purple and red-brown with inconspicuous flowers
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