
Definition: Meaning of, republican in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / rɪˈpʌblɪk(ə)n /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
republican republicans
  1. someone who believes in government by elected representatives only, with no king or queen
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  2. Republican a member or supporter of the Republican Party in the US [↪  Democrat]
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  3. Republican someone from Northern Ireland who believes that Northern Ireland should become part of the Republic of Ireland, not the United Kingdom [↪  loyalist]
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  • adjective
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Positive Comparative Superlative
  1. relating to or supporting a system of government that is not led by a king or queen [↪  democratic]
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Definition: Meaning of, Republican in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / rɪˈpʌblɪkən /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
Republican Republicans
  1. a member of the Republican Party
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  2. a tributary of the Kansas River that flows from eastern Colorado eastward through Nebraska and Kansas
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Republican used in phrases

  • Continuity Irish Republican Army (noun)
    1. a terrorist organization formed in Ireland in 1994 as a clandestine armed wing of Sinn Fein
  • Democratic-Republican Party (noun)
    1. a former major political party in the United States in the early 19th century; opposed the old Federalist party; favoured a strict interpretation of the constitution in order to limit the powers of the federal government
  • Dissident Irish Republican Army (noun)
    1. a radical terrorist group that broke away in 1997 when the mainstream Provisional IRA proposed a cease-fire; has continued terrorist activities in opposition to any peace agreement
  • Irish Republican Army (noun)
    1. a militant organization of Irish nationalists who used terrorism and guerilla warfare in an effort to drive British forces from Northern Ireland and achieve a united independent Ireland
  • Irish Republican Army, the
    1. the full name of the IRA
  • People's Republican Army (noun)
    1. a radical terrorist group dedicated to the removal of British forces from Northern Ireland and the unification of Ireland
  • Provisional Irish Republican Army (noun)
    1. a militant organization of Irish nationalists who used terrorism and guerilla warfare in an effort to drive British forces from Northern Ireland and achieve a united independent Ireland
  • Real Irish Republican Army (noun)
    1. a radical terrorist group that broke away in 1997 when the mainstream Provisional IRA proposed a cease-fire; has continued terrorist activities in opposition to any peace agreement
  • Republican Guard (noun)
    1. formerly Iraq's elite military unit whose primary role was to protect the government in Baghdad
  • Republican Party (noun)
    1. the Republican Party one of the two main political parties in the US [↪  Democratic Party]
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