
Definition: Meaning of, Raleigh in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈrɑːli /

  • synonym
  • antonym
  1. the capital city of the US state of NORTH CAROLINA
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Raleigh used in phrases

  • Raleigh, Sir Walter
    1. (?1552-1618) an English EXPLORER who made several journeys to North and South America and later wrote books about them. He is the person who first brought POTATO es and TOBACCO to Britain.
  • Sir Walter Raleigh (noun)
    1. 1552-1618 a favourite of Elizabeth I english courtier who tried to colonize Virginia; introduced potatoes and tobacco to England
  • Walter Raleigh (noun)
    1. 1552-1618 a favourite of Elizabeth I english courtier who tried to colonize Virginia; introduced potatoes and tobacco to England
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