Proms, the

Definition: Meaning of, Proms, the in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ðə;ðɪ;ðiː /

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  1. a series of concerts of CLASSICAL music which take place every summer at the ALBERT HALL in London, over a period of several weeks. Part of the hall has no seats, so that more people can attend the concerts and pay less, and many people, especially young people, stand there to listen to the concerts. The Proms were started by Sir Henry WOOD in 1895, and they are a well-known part of British life. The final concert each year, called the LAST NIGHT OF THE PROMS is always shown on television.
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Proms, the used in phrases

  • Last Night of the Proms, the
    1. the last concert of the PROMS (=a series of concerts held each summer in the ALBERT HALL in London). The second part of the concert always consists of the same tunes and songs, and the people who go to the concert join the singing.
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