Post, the

Definition: Meaning of, Post, the in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / pəʊst ðə;ðɪ;ðiː /

  • synonym
  • antonym
  1. the Washington Post
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  2. the NEW YORK POST
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  3. the SUNDAY POST
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Post, the used in phrases

  • New York Post, the
    1. a US daily newspaper produced in New York City, which includes a lot of GOSSIP (= information about famous people's private lives) and reports events in ways that make them seem as strange, exciting, or shocking as possible
  • Saturday Evening Post, The
    1. a popular US family magazine that started in 1821 and continued until 1969. It contained news, short stories, humorous CARTOON s and REVIEW s . Pictures by Norman ROCKWELL often appeared on its cover.
  • South China Morning Post, the
    1. a newspaper written in English in Hong Kong
  • Sunday Post, the
    1. a Scottish Sunday newspaper which supports TRADITIONAL values and has many stories about ordinary people. It is very popular in Scotland and is also read by Scottish people in many other parts of the world.
  • More

word of the day

Pronunciation: kalˈdiːə
Parts of Speech: noun
where Daniel became a counsellor to the king an ancient kingdom in southern Mesopotamia; Babylonia conquered Israel in the 6th century BC and exiled the Jews to Babylon