
Definition: Meaning of, Patrick in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈpætrɪk /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. apostle and patron saint of Ireland; an English missionary to Ireland in the 5th century
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Patrick used in phrases

  • Daniel Patrick Moynihan (noun)
    1. 1927-2003 united States politician and educator
  • Henry, Patrick
    1. (1736-99) a US politician who was one of the leaders of the fight for independence during the AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR . He is famous for saying "Give me liberty, or give me death".
  • Heron, Patrick
    1. (1920-99), a British painter famous for his ABSTRACT paintings. He is also well-known as an art CRITIC .
  • Patrick Henry (noun)
    1. 1736-1799 a leader of the American Revolution and a famous orator who spoke out against British rule of the American colonies
  • Patrick Victor Martindale White (noun)
    1. 1912-1990 australian writer
  • Patrick White (noun)
    1. 1912-1990 australian writer
  • Patrick, Saint
    1. (?389-461 AD) the PATRON SAINT of Ireland, who helped to spread the Christian religion there and who people think got rid of snakes in Ireland. St Patrick's Day, 17th March, is celebrated in Ireland and in the US, where people drink Irish beer and often wear green clothes.
  • Saint Patrick
  • Saint Patrick's Cathedral
    1. the largest Roman Catholic church in the US. It is in New York City on Fifth Avenue and was built between 1858 and 1879
  • Saint Patrick's Day (noun)
    1. a day observed by the Irish to commemorate the patron saint of Ireland
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