(1473-1543), a Polish ASTRONOMER (= person who studies the stars), who first suggested the Copernican system, in which the earth and other PLANET s are described as moving around the sun, which does not move
(1661-1736) an English ARCHITECT (= someone who designs buildings) who worked with Sir Christoper WREN on St Paul's Cathedral and built many churches in London. He combined the CLASSICAL style of ancient Rome with the GOTHIC style.
(1868-1918) the Tsar (= ruler) of Russia from 1894 to 1917. His opposition to change led to the Revolution of 1905 and eventually to the RUSSIAN REVOLUTION of 1917, in which he was forced to ABDICATE (= give up his position) . He and his family were shot in 1918.
a Christian BISHOP (= high-ranking priest) who lived in western ASIA in the 4th century AD. He became connected with the custom of giving gifts to children either at CHRISTMAS (= in countries such as the UK and the US), or on the night before his SAINT'S DAY (December 6th) (= in some countries, such as the Netherlands) . The imaginary character SANTA CLAUS is based on stories about him. He is also the PATRON SAINT of Russia.