
Definition: Meaning of, Munich in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈmjuːnɪk /

  • synonym
  • antonym
  1. an industrial city in southern Germany, and the capital of the PROVINCE of Bavaria, whose German name is München. It has many attractive old buildings, and a famous beer FESTIVAL takes place there every October.
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Munich used in phrases

  • Munich Agreement, the
    1. the agreement signed in 1938 between Adolf Hitler from Germany, Mussolini from Italy, Daladier from France, and Neville Chamberlain from Britain. The agreement gave Germany part of CZECHOSLOVAKIA, and the other countries hoped that this would prevent Hitler from trying to take control of any other areas of land. Chamberlain returned to Britain saying that the agreement would give "peace in our time". In fact, Hitler's army attacked Poland soon afterwards, and World War II began.
  • Munich beer (noun)
    1. a dark lager produced in Munich since the 10th century; has a distinctive taste of malt
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