(1836-65) a British woman who wrote a book called The Book of Household Management, which was very popular during the 19th and early 20th century. The book gives RECIPE s (= instructions for cooking particular dishes), and also gives advice about managing a home.
an unpleasant character in a play called Speed the Plough (1798) by the British writer Thomas Morton. She has very strict ideas about moral and social behaviour, and tries to make sure that other people are behaving properly.
a character in the 18th century play The RIVALS by Richard Sheridan . She wrongly uses words in a funny way, saying a word that sounds similar to the one she intended to use, but means something completely different. This type of mistake is known as a MALAPROPISM because of her.
(1858-1928) a famous member of the British SUFFRAGETTE s, who fought for women's rights, especially the vote, in Britian. She was put in prison many times for her actions. Her daughters, Christobel and Sylvia, were also SUFFRAGETTEs and worked for the rights of poor women.
a character in the book JANE EYRE (1847) by Charlotte BRONTë . Mrs Rochester is mentally ill and kept locked in the ATTIC (= a room under the roof) of the house so that no one can see her. She finally destroys the house by setting it on fire.