
Definition: Meaning of, Morrison in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈmɒrɪs(ə)n /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. 1943-1971 united States rock singer
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  2. born in 1931 united States writer whose novels describe the lives of African-Americans
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Morrison used in phrases

  • Frank Morrison Spillane (noun)
    1. born in 1918 united States writer of popular detective novels
  • James Douglas Morrison (noun)
    1. 1943-1971 united States rock singer
  • Jim Morrison (noun)
    1. 1943-1971 united States rock singer
  • Morrison Remick Waite (noun)
    1. 1816-1888 united States jurist who was appointed chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1874 by President Grant
  • Morrison Waite (noun)
    1. 1816-1888 united States jurist who was appointed chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1874 by President Grant
  • Morrison, Jim
    1. (1943-71) the main singer with the ROCK group The DOORS, known for his sexually exciting performances on stage. Many people see him as a typical example of someone whose life was destroyed by drugs, alcohol, and the problems of being famous.
  • Morrison, Toni
    1. (1931- ) a US author whose NOVEL s include Song of Solomon (1977) and Beloved (1987). In 1993 she won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
  • Toni Morrison (noun)
    1. born in 1931 united States writer whose novels describe the lives of African-Americans
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