
Definition: Meaning of, miller in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈmɪlə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
miller millers
  1. someone who owns or works in a mill which makes flour
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Definition: Meaning of, Miller in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈmɪlə /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. 1904-1944 united States bandleader of a popular big band
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  2. 1915-2005 united States playwright
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  3. 1891-1980 united States novelist whose novels were originally banned as pornographic
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Miller used in phrases

  • Alton Glenn Miller (noun)
    1. 1904-1944 united States bandleader of a popular big band
  • Arthur Miller (noun)
    1. 1915-2005 united States playwright
  • Glenn Miller (noun)
    1. 1904-1944 united States bandleader of a popular big band
  • Henry Miller (noun)
    1. 1891-1980 united States novelist whose novels were originally banned as pornographic
  • Henry Valentine Miller (noun)
    1. 1891-1980 united States novelist whose novels were originally banned as pornographic
  • Miller, Arthur
    1. (1915- ) a US writer of plays that deal with political or moral problems. His most famous plays include The Crucible, about the SALEM Witchcraft Trials in 17th century America, and DEATH OF A SALESMAN . He is also famous for having been married to Marilyn MONROE .
  • Miller, Glenn
    1. (1904-44) a US musician, band leader, and COMPOSER, whose SWING music was very popular during World War II. His most famous pieces of music are In the Mood and Moonlight Serenade .
  • Miller, Henry
    1. (1891-1980) a US writer whose novels include Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
  • Molly Miller (noun)
    1. inhabits both coasts of tropical Atlantic
  • dusty miller (noun)
    1. shrubby perennial of the Canary Islands having white flowers and leaves and hairy stems covered with dustlike down; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum
    2. stiff much-branched perennial of the Mediterranean region having very white woolly stems and leaves
  • More

word of the day

Parts of Speech:
the large SQUARE (= a broad, open area in a town) in the centre of Moscow, famous especially for the military processions that took place there on MAY DAY when Moscow was the capital of the SOVIET UNION . The buildings in Red Square include St Basil's Cathedral and the Tomb of Lenin.