
Definition: Meaning of, Mexico in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈmɛksɪkəʊ /

  • synonym
  • antonym
  1. a country to the south of the US and to the north of Guatemala. Population: 104,907,991 (2003). Capital: Mexico City. Before the arrival of Europeans, there were several important Native American CIVILIZATION s in Mexico, including the Aztecs and the Maya. The country was ruled by Spain from the 16th century, and became independent in 1821.
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Mexico used in phrases

  • Ciudad de Mexico (noun)
    1. the capital and largest city of Mexico is a political and cultural and commercial and industrial centre; one of the world's largest cities
  • Golfo de Mexico (noun)
    1. an arm of the Atlantic to the south of the United States and to the east of Mexico
  • Gulf of Mexico
    1. the Gulf of Mexico an area of the Atlantic Ocean south of the US, east of Mexico, and west of Cuba
  • Mexico City
    1. the capital city of MEXICO, built on the RUIN s of an ancient Aztec city
  • New Mexico
    1. a state in the southwestern US, where the land is mostly desert or mountain forests. Most of New Mexico used to belong to Mexico, so there is a strong Mexican and Spanish influence on the CULTURE, language, buildings etc.
  • capital of Mexico (noun)
    1. the capital and largest city of Mexico is a political and cultural and commercial and industrial centre; one of the world's largest cities
  • capital of New Mexico (noun)
    1. capital of the state of New Mexico; located in north central New Mexico
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