
Definition: Meaning of, marshall in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈmɑːʃəl /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
marshall marshalls
  1. in some countries a military officer of highest rank
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  2. a law officer having duties similar to those of a sheriff in carrying out the judgments of a court of law
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Definition: Meaning of, Marshall in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈmɑːʃəl /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
Marshall marshalls
  1. 1880-1959 united States general and statesman who as Secretary of State organized the European Recovery Program
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  2. 1755-1835 united States jurist; as chief justice of the Supreme Court he established the principles of United States constitutional law
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  3. 1914-1998 united States actor
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Marshall used in phrases

  • George Catlett Marshall (noun)
    1. 1880-1959 united States general and statesman who as Secretary of State organized the European Recovery Program
  • George Marshall (noun)
    1. 1880-1959 united States general and statesman who as Secretary of State organized the European Recovery Program
  • Herbert Marshall McLuhan (noun)
    1. 1911-1980 canadian writer noted for his analyses of the mass media
  • James Marshall Hendrix (noun)
    1. 1942-1970 united States guitarist whose innovative style with electric guitars influenced the development of rock music
  • John Marshall (noun)
    1. 1755-1835 united States jurist; as chief justice of the Supreme Court he established the principles of United States constitutional law
  • Marshall Islands
    1. a country consisting of two 800-mile-long chains of CORAL ATOLL s in the central Pacific Ocean. Population: 70,822 (2001). Capital: Majuro.
  • Marshall McLuhan (noun)
    1. 1911-1980 canadian writer noted for his analyses of the mass media
  • Marshall Plan (noun)
    1. 1948-1952 a United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe ; named after George Marshall
  • Marshall Plan, the
    1. a programme established by the US government in 1947 to give economic help to Europe after World War II. It was named after George C. Marshall, who was the US Secretary of State. Thousands of millions of dollars were provided for rebuilding cities, roads, industries etc
  • Marshall aid
    1. the economic help that was given to Europe by the US government under the Marshall Plan after World War II
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