
Definition: Meaning of, Larix in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. larches
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Larix used in phrases

  • Larix decidua (noun)
    1. tall European tree having a slender conic crown, flat needlelike leaves, and hairy cone scales
  • Larix laricina (noun)
    1. medium-sized larch of Canada and northern United States including Alaska having a broad conic crown and rust-brown scaly bark
  • Larix lyallii (noun)
    1. medium-sized larch of the Rocky Mountains; closely related to Larix occidentalis
  • Larix occidentalis (noun)
    1. tall larch of western North America have pale green sharply pointed leaves and oblong cones; an important timber tree
  • Larix russica (noun)
    1. medium-sized larch of northeastern Russia and Siberia having narrowly conic crown and soft narrow bright-green leaves; used in cultivation
  • Larix siberica (noun)
    1. medium-sized larch of northeastern Russia and Siberia having narrowly conic crown and soft narrow bright-green leaves; used in cultivation
  • genus Larix (noun)
    1. larches
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