
Definition: Meaning of, Labrador in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈlabrədɔː /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
Labrador Labradors
  1. a large dog with fairly short yellow or black hair
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Labrador used in phrases

  • Labrador Peninsula (noun)
    1. a peninsular region of eastern Canada between Hudson Bay and the Labrador Sea; contains most of Québec and the mainland part of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Labrador Sea (noun)
    1. an arm of the northern Atlantic between Labrador and southern Greenland
  • Labrador retriever (noun)
    1. breed originally from Labrador having a short black or golden-brown coat
  • Labrador tea (noun)
    1. evergreen shrub of eastern North America having white or creamy bell-shaped flowers and dark green hairy leaves used for tea during American Revolution
  • Labrador-Ungava Peninsula (noun)
    1. a peninsular region of eastern Canada between Hudson Bay and the Labrador Sea; contains most of Québec and the mainland part of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Newfoundland and Labrador (noun)
    1. a Canadian province on the island of Newfoundland and on the mainland along the coast of the Labrador Sea; became Canada's 10th province in 1949
  • glandular Labrador tea (noun)
    1. a Rocky Mountain shrub similar to Ledum groenlandicum
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