
Definition: Meaning of, Khmer in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / kmɛː /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
Khmer Khmers
  1. a native or inhabitant of Cambodia
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  2. the Mon-Khmer language spoken in Cambodia
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Khmer used in phrases

  • Khmer Republic, the
    1. a former name of CAMBODIA, from 1975 to 1979
  • Khmer Rouge (noun)
    1. a communist organization formed in Cambodia in 1970; became a terrorist organization in 1975 when it captured Phnom Penh and created a government that killed an estimated three million people; was defeated by Vietnamese troops but remained active until 1999
  • Khmer Rouge, the
    1. a very LEFT-WING military organization which took control of the government of Cambodia in 1975, under its leader POL POT . Around 3 million Cambodians are believed to have been killed under Khmer Rouge rule, which continued until 1979
  • Mon-Khmer (noun)
    1. a branch of the Austro-Asiatic languages
  • Munda-Mon-Khmer (noun)
    1. a family of languages spoken in southern and southeastern Asia
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