
Definition: Meaning of, Kafka in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. 1883-1924 czech novelist who wrote in German about a nightmarish world of isolated and troubled individuals
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Kafka used in phrases

  • Franz Kafka (noun)
    1. 1883-1924 czech novelist who wrote in German about a nightmarish world of isolated and troubled individuals
  • Kafka, Franz
    1. (1883-1924) a Czech writer who wrote in German, famous for his NOVEL s such as The Trial and The Castle, and his short stories such as Metamorphosis, in which a man turns into a large and ugly insect. His stories deal with the struggle of ordinary people on their own against the state or large organizations. The word Kafkaesque is used to describe this type of experience, in which you feel that no one understands you and there is no way of escaping from an unpleasant situation.
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