
Definition: Meaning of, Ipomoea in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. morning glory
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Ipomoea used in phrases

  • Ipomoea alba (noun)
    1. pantropical climber having white fragrant nocturnal flowers
  • Ipomoea batatas (noun)
    1. pantropical vine widely cultivated in several varieties for its large sweet tuberous root with orange flesh
  • Ipomoea coccinea (noun)
    1. annual herb having scarlet flowers; the eastern United States
  • Ipomoea fastigiata (noun)
    1. tropical American prostrate or climbing herbaceous perennial having an enormous starchy root; sometimes held to be source of the sweet potato
  • Ipomoea imperialis (noun)
    1. hybrid from Ipomoea nil
  • Ipomoea leptophylla (noun)
    1. a morning glory with long roots of western United States
  • Ipomoea nil (noun)
    1. annual Old World tropical climbing herb distinguished by wide colour range and frilled or double flowers
  • Ipomoea orizabensis (noun)
    1. tropical American morning glory
  • Ipomoea panurata (noun)
    1. tropical American prostrate or climbing herbaceous perennial having an enormous starchy root; sometimes held to be source of the sweet potato
  • Ipomoea pes-caprae (noun)
    1. a prostrate perennial of coastal sand dunes Florida to Texas
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