
Definition: Meaning of, Hydnocarpus in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. medium to large Indonesian and Malaysian trees
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Hydnocarpus used in phrases

  • Hydnocarpus kurzii (noun)
    1. east Indian tree with oily seeds yield chaulmoogra oil used to treat leprosy
  • Hydnocarpus laurifolia (noun)
    1. leathery-leaved tree of western India bearing round fruits with brown densely hairy rind enclosing oily pulp that yields hydnocarpus oil
  • Hydnocarpus wightiana (noun)
    1. leathery-leaved tree of western India bearing round fruits with brown densely hairy rind enclosing oily pulp that yields hydnocarpus oil
  • genus Hydnocarpus (noun)
    1. medium to large Indonesian and Malaysian trees
  • hydnocarpus oil (noun)
    1. Hydnocarpus laurifolia oil from seeds of trees of the genus Hydnocarpus especially Hydnocarpus wightiana
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