
Definition: Meaning of, Hussein in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / hʊˈseɪn /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. 1935-1999 king of Jordan credited with creating stability at home and seeking peace with Israel
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  2. iraqi leader who waged war against Iran; his invasion of Kuwait led to the Gulf War ; born in 1937, deposed in 2003 after the US-led invasion of Iraq, executed in 2006
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Hussein used in phrases

  • Barack Hussein Obama (noun)
    1. united States president from January 2009; born in 1961
  • Hussein, King
    1. (1935- 99) the king of Jordan from 1952 until his death in 1999. He was admired by many people for his attempts to encourage peace between Israel and the Arab countries that surround it.
  • Hussein, Saddam
  • King Hussein (noun)
    1. 1935-1999 king of Jordan credited with creating stability at home and seeking peace with Israel
  • Saddam Hussein
    1. (1937- ) the President of IRAQ since 1979 to 2003. He led IRAQ in a long war against Iran (1980-88), and in 1990 he tried to take control of Kuwait. This caused the GULF WAR, and Saddam's armies were forced to leave Kuwait by United Nations forces, led by the US. Because the US and Britain believed that Saddam was preventing UN weapons inspectors from checking whether IRAQ had WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, they INVADE d IRAQ and took Saddam prisoner. He was put on trial by the IRAQi authorities in 2003, charged with crimes against the IRAQi people.
  • Saddam bin Hussein at-Takriti (noun)
    1. iraqi leader who waged war against Iran; his invasion of Kuwait led to the Gulf War ; born in 1937, deposed in 2003 after the US-led invasion of Iraq, executed in 2006
  • ibn Talal Hussein (noun)
    1. 1935-1999 king of Jordan credited with creating stability at home and seeking peace with Israel
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