Definition: Meaning of, Hubble in English to English dictionary.
Pronunciation:/ /
Word Forms:
1889-1953as the universe expands united States astronomer who discovered that the speed with which nebulae recede increases with their distance from the observer
1889-1953as the universe expands united States astronomer who discovered that the speed with which nebulae recede increases with their distance from the observer
1889-1953as the universe expands united States astronomer who discovered that the speed with which nebulae recede increases with their distance from the observer
a very powerful TELESCOPE (= a piece of equipment for making distant objects look larger and closer) which is attached to a SATELLITE in space, going around the Earth, and can see much further into space than TELESCOPEs on Earth
due to the expansion of the universecosmology the ratio of the speed of recession of a galaxy to its distance from the observer; the Hubble constant is not actually a constant, but is regarded as measuring the expansion rate today
due to the expansion of the universecosmology the ratio of the speed of recession of a galaxy to its distance from the observer; the Hubble constant is not actually a constant, but is regarded as measuring the expansion rate today
due to the expansion of the universecosmology the ratio of the speed of recession of a galaxy to its distance from the observer; the Hubble constant is not actually a constant, but is regarded as measuring the expansion rate today
due to the expansion of the universecosmology the ratio of the speed of recession of a galaxy to its distance from the observer; the Hubble constant is not actually a constant, but is regarded as measuring the expansion rate today