
Definition: Meaning of, Hubbard in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. 1911-1986 a United States writer of science fiction and founder of Scientology
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  2. 14,950 feet high a mountain peak in southeastern Alaska that is part of the Coast Range
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Hubbard used in phrases

  • Hubbard, L Ron
    1. (1911-86) a US writer who started a new religion called the Church of SCIENTOLOGY . He also wrote many SCIENCE FICTION books.
  • Mother Hubbard (noun)
    1. a woman's loose unbelted dress
  • Mount Hubbard (noun)
    1. 14,950 feet high a mountain peak in southeastern Alaska that is part of the Coast Range
  • Old Mother Hubbard
    1. a character in a NURSERY RHYME (= an old song or poem for young children) . The rhyme goes: Old Mother Hubbard/Went to the cupboard/To get her poor dog a bone;/But when she came there/The cupboard was bare,/And so the poor dog had none. The expression 'the cupboard is bare' is sometimes used about a situation in which a person, organization, or government has no money left.
  • hubbard squash (noun)
    1. any of several winter squash plants producing large greyish-green football-shaped fruit with a rough warty rind
    2. large football-shaped winter squash with a warty grey-green rind
  • More

word of the day

Pronunciation: kalˈdiːə
Parts of Speech: noun
where Daniel became a counsellor to the king an ancient kingdom in southern Mesopotamia; Babylonia conquered Israel in the 6th century BC and exiled the Jews to Babylon