
Definition: Meaning of, Hieracium in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. large genus of perennial hairy herbs of Europe to western Asia to northwestern Africa and North America; few are ornamental; often considered congeneric with Pilosella
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Hieracium used in phrases

  • Hieracium aurantiacum (noun)
    1. european hawkweed having flower heads with bright orange-red rays; a troublesome weed especially as naturalized in northeastern North America; sometimes placed in genus Hieracium
  • Hieracium pilocella (noun)
    1. european hawkweed having soft hairy leaves; sometimes placed in genus Hieracium
  • Hieracium praealtum (noun)
    1. european hawkweed introduced into northeastern United States; locally troublesome weeds
  • Hieracium venosum (noun)
    1. a hawkweed with a rosette of purple-veined basal leaves; Canada to northern Georgia and Kentucky
  • genus Hieracium (noun)
    1. large genus of perennial hairy herbs of Europe to western Asia to northwestern Africa and North America; few are ornamental; often considered congeneric with Pilosella
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