
Definition: Meaning of, Herman in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈhɜːmən /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. 1913-1987 united States jazz musician and bandleader
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Herman used in phrases

  • George Herman Ruth (noun)
    1. 1895-1948 united States professional baseball player famous for hitting home runs
  • Herman Hollerith (noun)
    1. 1860-1929 united States inventor who invented a system for recording alphanumeric information on punched cards
  • Herman Melville (noun)
    1. 1819-1891 united States writer of novels and short stories
  • Herman Northrop Frye (noun)
    1. 1912-1991 canadian literary critic interested in the use of myth and symbolism
  • Herman Wouk (noun)
    1. born in 1915 united States writer
  • Melville, Herman
    1. (1819-91) a US writer who wrote about his experiences as a sailor. He wrote MOBY-DICK, one of the most famous American novels. He also wrote Billy Budd, a story which Benjamin BRITTEN used in his OPERA of the same name.
  • Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser (noun)
    1. 1871-1945 united States novelist
  • Woodrow Charles Herman (noun)
    1. 1913-1987 united States jazz musician and bandleader
  • Woody Herman (noun)
    1. 1913-1987 united States jazz musician and bandleader
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