
Definition: Meaning of, Hebrew in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈhiːbruː /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
Hebrew Hebrews
  1. [uncountable] the language traditionally used by the Jewish people
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  2. [countable] a member of the Jewish people in ancient times
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Hebrew used in phrases

  • Hebrew Scripture (noun)
    1. the Jewish scriptures which consist of three divisions--the Torah and the Prophets and the Writings
  • Hebrew alphabet (noun)
    1. and later for writing Yiddish and Ladino a Semitic alphabet used since the 5th century BC for writing the Hebrew language
  • Hebrew calendar (noun)
    1. the assumed date of the Creation of the world Judaism the calendar used by the Jews; dates from 3761 BC ; a lunar year of 354 days is adjusted to the solar year by periodic leap years
  • Hebrew lesson (noun)
    1. instruction in the Hebrew language
  • Hebrew script (noun)
    1. and later for writing Yiddish and Ladino a Semitic alphabet used since the 5th century BC for writing the Hebrew language
  • Modern Hebrew (noun)
    1. hebrew used in Israel today; revived from ancient Hebrew
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