
Definition: Meaning of, Gustavus in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. 1882-1973 the last king of Sweden to have any real political power
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  2. 1858-1950 king of Sweden who kept Sweden neutral during both World War I and II
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  3. 1746-1792 king of Sweden who increased the royal power and waged an unpopular war against Russia
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  4. 1778-1837 king of Sweden whose losses to Napoleon I led to his being deposed in 1809
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  5. 1594-1632 king of Sweden whose victories in battle made Sweden a European power; his domestic reforms made Sweden a modern state; in 1630 he intervened on the Protestant side of the Thirty Years' War and was killed in the battle of Lutzen
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  6. 1496-1560 king of Sweden who established Lutheranism as the state religion
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Gustavus used in phrases

  • Gustavus Adolphus (noun)
    1. 1594-1632 king of Sweden whose victories in battle made Sweden a European power; his domestic reforms made Sweden a modern state; in 1630 he intervened on the Protestant side of the Thirty Years' War and was killed in the battle of Lutzen
  • Gustavus Franklin Swift (noun)
    1. 1839-1903 united States meat-packer who began the use of refrigerated railway cars
  • Gustavus I (noun)
    1. 1496-1560 king of Sweden who established Lutheranism as the state religion
  • Gustavus II (noun)
    1. 1594-1632 king of Sweden whose victories in battle made Sweden a European power; his domestic reforms made Sweden a modern state; in 1630 he intervened on the Protestant side of the Thirty Years' War and was killed in the battle of Lutzen
  • Gustavus III (noun)
    1. 1746-1792 king of Sweden who increased the royal power and waged an unpopular war against Russia
  • Gustavus IV (noun)
    1. 1778-1837 king of Sweden whose losses to Napoleon I led to his being deposed in 1809
  • Gustavus V (noun)
    1. 1858-1950 king of Sweden who kept Sweden neutral during both World War I and II
  • Gustavus VI (noun)
    1. 1882-1973 the last king of Sweden to have any real political power
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