
Definition: Meaning of, Geum in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. avens
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Geum used in phrases

  • Geum alleppicum strictum (noun)
    1. erect subshrub with deep yellow flowers; Europe and Asia and North America
  • Geum canadense (noun)
    1. north American white-flowered avens
  • Geum macrophyllum (noun)
    1. hairy yellow-flowered plant of eastern Asia and North America
  • Geum rivale (noun)
    1. erect perennial of north temperate zone having pinnate leaves and a few nodding flowers with a brown-purple calyx and orange and pink petals
  • Geum strictum (noun)
    1. erect subshrub with deep yellow flowers; Europe and Asia and North America
  • Geum triflorum (noun)
    1. north American perennial with hairy basal pinnate leaves and purple flowers and plume-tipped fruits
  • Geum urbanum (noun)
    1. hairy Eurasian plant with small yellow flowers and an astringent root formerly used medicinally
  • Geum virginianum (noun)
    1. avens of Virginia having pale or greenish yellow flowers
  • genus Geum (noun)
    1. avens
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