
Definition: Meaning of, Fulbright in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
Fulbright Fulbrights
  1. 1905-1995 united States senator who is remembered for his creation of grants that fund exchange programs of teachers and students between the United States and other countries
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Fulbright used in phrases

  • Fulbright Scholarship
    1. money provided for US university students and teachers so that they can study in other countries, and for students and teachers from other countries so that they can study in the US
  • James William Fulbright (noun)
    1. 1905-1995 united States senator who is remembered for his creation of grants that fund exchange programs of teachers and students between the United States and other countries
  • William Fulbright (noun)
    1. 1905-1995 united States senator who is remembered for his creation of grants that fund exchange programs of teachers and students between the United States and other countries
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