
Definition: Meaning of, Ethelred in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ˈɛθəlrɛd /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. died in 871 king of Wessex and Kent and elder brother of Alfred; Alfred joined Ethelred's battle against the invading Danes and succeeded him on his death
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  2. 969-1016 king of the English who succeeded to the throne after his half-brother Edward the Martyr was murdered; he struggled unsuccessfully against the invading Danes
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Ethelred used in phrases

  • Ethelred I (noun)
    1. died in 871 king of Wessex and Kent and elder brother of Alfred; Alfred joined Ethelred's battle against the invading Danes and succeeded him on his death
  • Ethelred II
    1. (968?-1016) an English king who lost his kingdom to the Danes
  • Ethelred the Unready (noun)
    1. 969-1016 king of the English who succeeded to the throne after his half-brother Edward the Martyr was murdered; he struggled unsuccessfully against the invading Danes
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