
Definition: Meaning of, Dr. in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. a licensed medical practitioner
    Not found!
  2. or the equivalent a person who holds Ph.D. degree from an academic institution
    Not found!

Dr. used in phrases

  • United States dry unit (noun)
    1. a unit of measurement of capacity for dry substances officially adopted in the United States Customary System
  • air-dry (adjective)
    1. not giving off moisture on exposure to the air
  • blow-dry (verb)
    1. to dry hair and give it shape by using an electric HAIRDRYER
  • bone dry (adjective)
    1. completely dry
  • bone-dry (adjective)
    1. without a trace of moisture; as dry as a weathered bone
  • cut-and-dry (adjective)
    1. according to ordinary expectations
  • drip-dry (adjective)
    1. drip-dry clothing does not need IRON ing
  • dry (adjective)
    1. not wet without water or liquid inside or on the surface
    2. weather having very little rain or MOISTURE [↪  arid]
    dry (verb)
    1. to make something dry, or to become dry
    2. also dry up British English to rub plates, dishes etc dry with a cloth after they have been washed
  • dry battery (noun)
    1. an electric BATTERY containing chemicals that are not in a liquid form
  • dry cell (noun)
    1. the type of cell used in a dry battery
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