Council of Europe

Definition: Meaning of, Council of Europe in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ɒv;(ə)v ˈjʊərəp /

  • noun
  • synonym
  • antonym
Word Forms:
Singular Plural
  1. an international organization of member states in the European region, based in Strasbourg
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Council of Europe used in phrases

  • Council of Europe, the
    1. an organization which was established in 1949 to develop greater unity between the countries of Europe, and to encourage DEMOCRATIC government and respect for human rights. It now consists of about 40 European countries, and its members develop policies on education, crime, health, and the environment. Complaints about cruel or unfair treatment can be settled in the Council's court, the European Court of Human Rights. Although it has close connections with the EUROPEAN UNION, it is a separate organization.
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