Commission, the

Definition: Meaning of, Commission, the in English to English dictionary.

Pronunciation: / ðə;ðɪ;ðiː /

  • synonym
  • antonym
  1. an informal name for the EUROPEAN COMMISSION
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Commission, the used in phrases

  • Charity Commission, the
    1. a British organization that keeps records of any organization that has been officially recognized as a CHARITY and controls the way that charities are operated
  • Countryside Commission, the
    1. a British organization whose aim is to look after the countryside and prevent it being spoiled. It provides national parks, paths etc for people who want to enjoy the country.
  • Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, the
    1. a US government organization whose aim is to make sure that people are not prevented from getting jobs because of their race, religion, age, sex etc, and to make sure that all workers are treated fairly and equally
  • Equal Opportunities Commission, the
    1. a British government organization whose aim is to make sure that women and men have the same opportunities in education and jobs, and that people are not treated unfairly because of their sex
  • European Commission, the
    1. a group of officials, chosen by the countries in the EU (= the European Union), who suggest plans for the EU, carry out decisions that the EU has made, and make sure that the EU's laws are obeyed
  • Federal Communications Commission, the
    1. a US government organization which makes rules that control broadcasting on radio, television, CABLE and SATELLITE TELEVISION in the US
  • Federal Trade Commission, the
    1. the full name of the FTC
  • Forestry Commission, the
    1. an organization that is responsible for taking care of forests in the UK. In the US there is a similar organization called the FOREST SERVICE .
  • Interstate Commerce Commission, the
    1. the US government organization that deals with the way the US states buy, sell, and exchange goods with each other
  • Monopolies and Mergers Commission, the
    1. a British government organization whose job is to examine cases where two companies plan to MERGE (= join together to form a larger company), and to decide whether this would be bad for other businesses and for ordinary customers. There is a similar organization in the US called the FTC (= the Federal Trade Commission) .
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